Vancouver Whitecaps FC


Whitecaps FC

Save on home match tickets for Vancouver Whitecaps FC

We’re pleased to welcome back long-time alumni savings partner Vancouver Whitecaps FC. UBC alumni can save up to 20% off home match tickets for the 2025 season (savings vary based on section and match).

Buy Whitecaps FC tickets

Purchase your tickets by visiting this page and entering the promo code UBCALUMNI.

If you already have a Whitecaps account – Please follow the prompts to sign in. If you can’t remember your password please click the forgot password option and follow the prompts to gain access to the special offer.

If you do not already have a Whitecaps account – Once the sign-in screen pops up scroll to the bottom of it and you will see a new to Ticketmaster sign up button. Follow the prompts and create a new account to gain access to the special offer.

Note: A discount is applied when you click on your seats. Please do your best to not leave single seats. Be aware that sections 226 and 227 are non-alcohol sections. 248-254 and 201-204 are standing permitted sections. All tickets are accessed on your mobile device. You will receive instructions after your purchase.

Please be aware of the provincial heath guidelines regarding entry to BC Place, masks and vaccinations here.

For issues or questions with tickets please contact Rhyse Harnden directly:

Phone: 604.678.2854

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