Peter Beharry and Karen Chang: Sharing career experiences to empower students
As Peter Beharry (BFA’96) congratulated graduating students on stage as part of the Chancellor’s Procession at UBC’s Spring Congregation in 2023, a young woman strode up to him. “Hey, Mr. B! It’s me! From Hamber!”

Diego Mandelbaum: Discovering the rewards of staying involved with UBC
When you graduate from UBC, you are part of a community — and for Diego Mandelbaum (BASc’11), volunteering for alumni UBC helped him connect with this community in a meaningful way.

Amber Shilling: Connecting with community through Indigenous networks
One day when the skies unleashed a downpour, a UBC Bachelor of Arts student sought refuge in a building.

Antony Wang: Devotion has its pay-offs
When Antony Wang (BSc’18) hears how students are inspired by his advice or feedback, he gets “butterflies” in his stomach.

The Honorable Linda Loo: Learning from different generations goes both ways
When the Honorable Linda Loo (BA’71, LLB’74) was standing on the corner of Main and Hastings in Chinatown selling apples for 25 cents each, she overheard someone ask, “Isn’t that our lawyer?”

Dr. Chris Bryant: Inspiring the next generation
For Dr. Chris Bryant (DMD’91), being a good mentor is just as important as being a good dentist.

Emily Cheung: Discovering dynamism in flexible career paths
While many new grads don’t have a lot of work experience to list on their resumes, Emily Cheung (BA’17) feels she had an edge: volunteering.

Shay Segal: Helping others find their voice
“I wouldn’t have been able to get to where I am today without the support of so many other people along the way.”

Roy Chen: Reaching resolution by mentoring others
“I thought to myself, ‘It would be nice if there was somebody who’s gone through the journey already who was able to speak to their experiences.’”

Chris Howe, Rob Hill, and Rob Brett: The Character-builders
“Every single player has the opportunity to be a top-quality person in life. That’s what the mentorship program is about.” – Rob Brett, BCom’85

Valerie Song: The Role Model
“Sometimes all people are looking for is that one conversation that could trigger their imagination, their inspiration—that one conversation could really change the trajectory they go in their life.”

Patrick Cheng: The Faithful Advisor
“Students do pick up a lot from me. But at the same time, I learn a lot from them, too. It’s a two-way street.”

Tinnie Chow: The Jetsetter
“I just want people to understand how lucky they are to be part of this community.”

Nishat Tasnim: The Science Whisperer
“Outreach…reminds me of what it feels like to be a young person who’s so curious and is so ready to understand and learn more about the world.”

Maisie Morsara: The Pathbreaker
“I want students to know that everyone has a very different personal journey – and that’s ok.”